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  6. Katharsis, vendredi 20 (...)
Votre don de soutien à JET
mardi 24 mai 2011

Katharsis, vendredi 20 mai 2011

PLAYLIST 20/05/2011 :

Album de la semaine : SEPTIC FLESH "The great mass"

Groupe Titre Album label

  1. KINKY YUKKY YUPPY Ugly Escape M & O music
  2. SPLINN Euphoria Becoming ourselves M & O music
  3. SEPTIC FLESH Pyramid god The great mass Season of mist
  4. NERVECELL Amok doctrine Psychogenocide Lifeforce
  5. PLEASURE TO KILL Cancer (Featuring Tohne) Le carnage Autoproduit
  6. NORWALK Slave Metamorpho’z Corrosive recs
  7. SHADES OF SYN Disrupted life system Rust from inside M & O music
  8. BLACK BLEEDING Tar & feathers The great satan Autoproduit
  9. LOUDBLAST Emptiness crushes my soul Frozen moments between life and death XIII bis
  10. NAMI Oppression and understanding - Fire Fragile alignments Klonosphere
  11. GERNOTSHAGEN Weltenbrand Weltenbrand Trollzorn
  12. DEF LEPPARD Let’s get rocked Adrenalize Phonogram
  13. ROTTEN SOUND Self Cursed Relapse

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