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Votre don de soutien à JET
dimanche 5 mai 2013

Katharsis, vendredi 3 mai 2013

PLAYLIST 03/05/2013 :

Album de la semaine : NIGHTFALL "Cassiopeia"

Groupe Titre Album Label

  1. MY ONLY SCENERY We are the walkers We are M & O music
  2. SURTR Sonic doom Pulvis et umbra Altsphere
  3. NIGHTFALL Phaethon Cassiopeia Metal Blade
  4. BLOCKHEADS All these dreams… This world is dead Relapse
  5. BLOCKHEADS To the dogs This world is dead Relapse
  6. YUGAL Iskence Illusion of time Autoproduit
  7. WEAKSAW Natoma James Huston Jr Autoproduit
  8. DEAD COWBOY’S SLUTS Lusk The hand of death M & O music
  9. SUFFOCATION My demise Pinnacle of bedlam Nuclear blast
  10. AS THEY BURN When everything falls apart Will, love, life Victory recs
  11. FHOI MYORE Caer malhod Fhoi myore Ancestrale prod
  12. MORS PRINCIPIUM EST The meadows of asphodel ...and death said live AFM recs
  13. LIVARKAHIL When hell is near Signs of decay Listenable
  14. DEMENTED On the edge Across the nature’s stillness Klonosphere
  15. MOBUTU Go go go hail Rock’n’Roll Axl rose is dead Autoproduit
  16. RIVAL SONS Wild animal Head down Earache

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