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  5. Spirit Of Noise 22/01/14
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mercredi 22 janvier 2014

Spirit Of Noise 22/01/14

- Emission : ICI

- (Groupe // Morceau // Album // Label)

- THE STUPIDS // Wipe out+You shoulda listen Always never fun // Peruvian vacation // Children Of Revolution Rds // 1986
- BIRTH OF A HERO // Sit this one out // We are the new breed // Seventh dagger Rds // 2008
- LAST LAUGH // Coward // XXX Demo // Self released // 2013
- LASTING VALUES // Not dead Yet // Not dead yet // Autoprod Rds // 2014
- STINKY BOLLOCKS // Lost // The Thread of life // Deux pieds deux Dents // 2013
- LASTING VALUES // On my Own // Not dead yet // Autoprod Rds // 2014
- DIREWOLVES // Reach this hand // Me from myself, to banish // Throatruinner Rds // 2012
- LASTING VALUES // Take your chance // Not dead yet // Autoprod Rds // 2014
- BUNKUM // Through my eyes // Still drunk // Eternalis Rds and Bästardz // 2006
- GIUDA // Tartan pants // Racey roller // White zoo Rds // 2010
- CARRY ON // Fuck your politics // It’s all our blood // Youngblood Rds // 2001
- TEN YARD FIGHT // Back On Track // Back On Track // Equal vision Records // 1998
- JUNGLE FEVER // The end justify means // Winning mentality // Open up Rds // 2011
- EXORCIZBHOBIA // Game ends, secret is revealed // Split with LAHAR // Doomentia Rds // 2013
- THE STUPIDS // Waltz of the new wavers // Retard Picnic // Children Of Revolution Rds // 1987

Merci aux Lasting Values d’être venus !!!

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