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Votre don de soutien à JET
dimanche 8 octobre 2017

metal froid

Bárbara Lázara / Sin título (10 minutes splits 1 campo abierto 2015)
Thomas Tilly / Etazma (extrait 1) (Test/Tone Documents Drone Sweet Drone 2016)
Immensity Of The Territory / ajo ligne electric (sur la route)
Jez Riley French / teleferica (extract) Jez Riley French
Immensity Of The Territory / 24f_v_amargoza_vent (sur la route)
Félix Blume - Jack the Pump (10 minutes splits 1 campo abierto 2005)
Magnus Bergsson / Melting Icefall (HLJÓÐMYND 2016)
Thomas Tilly / Etazma (extrait 2)
Thomas Tilly / Off-site – Stereo recording of the installation Test/Tone, palais du Tau (Test/Tone Documents Drone Sweet Drone 2016)

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