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dimanche 23 novembre 2014

Dimanche 23 novembre à 20h

Radia : Show 503 - BXL Tableau Sonore par XL Air (Bruxelles)

par Anne Laure

A 20h :

Show 503 : BXL Tableau Sonore par Radio XL Air
Three master students of RITS radio department (Lucas Derycke Cara Cobaert & Maarten Coosemans) capture a space in the city through audio recordings. Afterwards they edit these field recordings (without artificial effects) in order to try and grasp the specific sonosphere of that location. The students were assisted by Guy de Bièvre

A 20h30 : l’archive

Show 203 : Eurodance – getting the facts straight by DJ Officer, Officer for (Berlin) With an exemplaric de-construction of one of the most successful and repeatedly covered tunes in Eurodance, Heinrich “DJ Officer, Officer” Dubel und Paul “Paulator” Paulun reveal certain psycho-social potentials about the often despised genre.